543-22 Land Use Bylaw (Sept. 21, 2022)
543-22 Land Use Bylaw (Sept. 21, 2022)
Bylaw 531-21 Municipal Development Plan
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (MGA), The Village of Hussar has given 1st reading to Bylaw No. 531-21, a draft Municipal Development Plan (MDP) with the purpose of ensuring future growth and development is sustainable, orderly, and efficient, and that it enhances the quality of life for the citizens of Hussar. The MDP is a policy document that can help shape both private and public sector decision-making. A public hearing for Bylaw No. 531-21 will be held in the Village of Hussar Office at 109 – 1 Avenue East, Hussar, Alberta on Thursday, March 11, 2021 commencing at 7:00 pm. Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed bylaw.
Village of Hussar Municipal Development Plan
The Development Survey closed on November 8, 2020
Land Use Bylaw
The Village of Hussar Land Use Bylaw is scheduled for a full review in 2021
493 14 Land Use Bylaw (Consolidated To October 2016)
517 18 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Intermunicipal Development Plan
The Village of Hussar and Wheatland County have a history of collaboration and cooperation. This Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) builds on this past collaboration and sets the groundwork for continued joint planning for lands around the Village as identified by the IDP Area. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) mandates municipalities that share common boundaries to develop an Intermunicipal Development Plan to address: cooperation regarding planning matters of joint interest; addressing land use concerns; procedures for dealing with development proposals and any other matters related to development considered necessary (MGA s. 631).
Hussar & Wheatland County Intermunicipal Development Plan
Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities to work collaboratively with neighboring municipalities to plan, deliver and fund intermunicipal services. The act requires municipalities with common borders to develop an Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement. This agreement must address services related to transportation, water, wastewater, solid waste, emergency services and recreation.
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Agreement